of a file system error. its resource map is bad. the resource file was not found. the resource was not found. system memory is full. the file is already open for write access. the file is busy. the volume is locked. the file is locked. the disk is write protected. the file was not found. there are too many files open. the file system is out of memory. the disk is full. the disk’s directory is full. Can’t load the script because Can’t record that tape, you can only record global or current app tapes. I couldn’t complete that operation because I don’t allow macros without names, so I will make this macro “Untitled”. MacroMaker can’t find it’s Menu Def Proc. MacroMaker can’t create a macro list because it already exists, but with the wrong creator or file type. Getting low on memory allocated for macros. Out of memory for macros, recording stopped. I can’t reopen the Init File, so MacroMaker will be temporarily turned off, because MacroMaker couldn’t create the Macros file because I’ll have to use the default Macros file. The selected file is unusable because Macros have called other macros too many times. MacroMaker can’t erase a macro because MacroMaker couldn’t save the changes because The Macros File can’t be opened because Unknown Error